Thursday, February 18, 2010

Emerging Tech project proposal

Create illusion of ripple/wave effect on silk. Original idea was to put a series of pressure sensors on a piece of art. I couldn't figure out how to tell the user where to push in a visually appealing manner so I changed a few things up. The fans will now be activated by one of four IR sensors. The infrared led will be attached to a bottle made from foam and paper mache. Once the led touches one of the IR sensors it will trigger to fans to operate for however the long. The project should be fairly cheap and require no class materials, but I do need to order the parts.

Working on two, finished one

Finished Eiffel Tower drawing, now I just have to make the mat and frame. Maybe now the syringe tree is 75% done after 5 or 6 hours added since last post. Randomly decided to draw the Mona Lisa, I'm thinkin I'll draw no face on her.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hacking and Arduino resource

Found a great site about hacking and moding ( Anything from Arduino mods, to taking apart something normal to get something expensive.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Two late night drawings

Anytime I randomly doodle with no regards to theme or subject I draw eyes. I was still eager so I decide to burn certain areas with my bic lighter. The other I am still working on of the Eiffel tower. After it's finished I'll be making a spackle frame.

Letterpress micro fiction assignment

First assignment for letter press class finished up this week. The assignment was to create a micro fiction(50 words or less) and an image to put on a trading card. Mine story was "I measured to radius of my cornea to find the circumference of reality." We had to create 20 cards to be passed out in class. The image here is my collection of the classes.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Letterpress in action

Here's a short video of the letterpress in action. The assignment was to make a trading card, to save time and paper we print four times per page. Two on front and two on the opposite sides on the back. This video was shot around midnight.

Working with a letter press

I've been very busy in the letterpress lab this week. Having to place each word, letter and space forces me to love my computer even more. Altough the results from the press look much cleaner. This is proving to require more patience than I thought I had.